Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Train Tracks and Castor Oil

O.K. so we made it to month 9 and it looks like everything's in position and ready to what exactly is Owen waiting for??? The nursery is done, clothes are washed and bags are packed for the hospital. Lucky for me my weight gain slowed down the last half of my pregnancy so I didn't gain the 80 pounds I was expecting to and the swelling has stayed at a minimum. The one thing I am sure about is that Owen is a very active baby who refuses to sleep-even when he has NO room left to move. I think he's convinced himself that if he pushes hard enough I'll just pop....and here lately I'm not convinced that his theory is entirely wrong.
We had a great shower and everybody has been so supportive-we're truly blessed with great family and friends. I'm begining to fear though that we may actually make it to my due date (since I've been swearing he would come early) in which case you can scratch what I said in my last blog about it being the longest 4 months- this 9th month will be the single longest one of my life!!! I know J.W. is just as impatient as I am and we can't wait to see our little guy-hopefully my next update will come with pictures of our beautiful baby boy!!!But for now I'll just contemplate the old wives tales of train tracks and castor oil......

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